Moving an Elementary and Middle School

Little Guys Movers teams up with the staff at Newton Elementary School in Denton.

At Little Guys Movers, we love a challenge. So we were excited when Denton ISD contacted us about a large relocation project happening this summer. The district is moving Newton Rayzor Elementary School and Calhoun Middle School to the area previously occupied by the old Denton High School. Over the years, Little Guys Movers has been developing a relationship with Denton ISD and Newton Rayzor specifically by volunteering our time to help the teachers move their classrooms to different rooms at the end of each school year. This year, in light of the relocation, we volunteered by moving boxes to the gym and getting them ready for the big move happening in June — a move we are thrilled to be spearheading!

The Planning Phase

Commercial relocations of this size need to be planned out months in advance. Denton ISD reached out to us in October 2023, which gave us plenty of time to make a plan, agree on a schedule, and secure any additional resources needed to complete the move. Communication is key during the planning process. We really believe in going above and beyond when it comes to communication and transparency of pricing and available resources.

For this move, we completed two different walkthroughs — one at the old Newton Rayzor Elementary and one at the new school building. We discussed Denton ISD’s unique needs and created a custom plan and estimate for the move. Denton ISD reviewed the quote, approved it, and we were off!

The Move

This move was the first stage of a two part move — eventually, we will also be moving items from Calhoun Middle School to the old Denton High School building, as well. For each stage, we’re moving boxed items from a central location (like the library or cafeteria) to the new school buildings. From there, we will move the boxes to specific rooms. We are utilizing a color coding system to ensure that every box ends up in the correct location.

We expect to move about 4000 boxes worth of items between the two moves! Needless to say, organization and communication are critical. Having a plan and working to make things as simple as possible keeps the move efficient as possible.

Tips for Large Relocations

If you are in charge of a large relocation like this one, we have a couple of tips to share. First, start planning many months beforehand — at least six, if not more. Second, reach out to moving companies with commercial moving experience. Get quotes from multiple vendors. Choose a company that feels trustworthy, has solid reviews, and great service and skills — with a move of this scale, these things are more important than just the bottom line. Finally, communicate, communicate, communicate! Communicating every step of the way will help you avoid misunderstandings and keep the entire project on track.

Want a custom quote from the Little Guys for your relocation? Contact us!