Storage Unit or a Full Move: What’s Best for You?

The inside of a storage unit in Bryan/College Station

Storage units can be great temporary solutions when you aren’t ready to commit to a full move. But how do you know if that’s the right choice for you? We’re explaining when we think storage is the way to go.

Short-Term Moves

The duration of your move is a major deciding factor in whether a storage unit is right for you. There are many reasons someone may move temporarily, like for a short job assignment, a temporary relocation to care for a family member, or during a renovation. In these instances, a storage unit is a flexible solution that allows you to keep your belongings safe without the hassle of moving everything to your temporary space. If your move is permanent, on the other hand, you should invest in a full move and avoid losing money on renting a storage unit.

Small Spaces

If your new home is lacking space, a storage unit may be the right way to go. Storage units are great for bulky furniture or family heirlooms you want to keep but can’t fit into your current home. It’s also great for seasonal items, like holiday decorations or summer camping equipment, that you don’t have room for and don’t need every day. If your home does have enough space, then there’s no need for a storage unit. But it’s a great solution for those of us who have stuff to store — but nowhere to fit it all.

Strict Budgets

Sometimes a full move isn’t in the budget. In these cases, using a storage unit can help. You can pay for a less expensive move upfront and store the rest of your items in a storage facility. That being said, storage units have monthly fees that add up over time which means that in the end it may be cheaper to move everything at once. Still, sometimes it’s best for the budget to space moving expenses out a bit, in which a storage unit can be helpful.

Professional Moving and Storage

At Little Guys Movers, we can assist you with planning a full move or finding storage solutions. Whatever your moving needs, we can help. Contact us today for a free, custom quote!